August 25, 2011


August 25, 2011


Image always counts, especially when you’re job-hunting. And today’s über-demanding marketplace requires interview-savvy grooming, from perfect peep-toe pedi to pro coiff. As much as any other part of your presentation as a candidate, your hair has to let prospective employers know that you’ve got it all together.

Beverly Hills superstylist Timon Cana Neiditch, who sculpts tresses at Giuseppe Franco Salon on trendy North Canon Drive, was born with the world’s greatest natural curls. See for yourself (Spoiler Alert: Curl Envy!):


Every morning in the shower, she brushes in a rich conditioner, then puts her hair up in a towel while she does her makeup.  Off with the towel, and the perfect spirals fall luxuriantly into place.

You’re probably not so lucky. Timon advises that anyone with a strong wave-pattern needs to invest in professional deep-conditioning to keep curls moisturized, balanced and under control.

Many of her clients are Hollywood hopefuls, en route to auditions—talk about pressure! Timon’s camera-ready secret: professional-strength POWERDOSE from L’Oreal Serie Expert.  L’Oreal POWERDOSE, according to Timon, repairs damage, seals in color, glosses hair with high shine.

Those blessed with natural curls may have new reason to rock what Nature gave them, considering all the controversy these days regarding Brazilian-blowouts and formaldehyde-straightening—maybe your curls just need a bit of professional coaxing and coaching (check out

“Curly hair tends to be porous and dry, by nature,” she says. “And for everyone else, chemicals and heat-styling make hair brittle. Frizzy, damaged hair is a turn-off when you’re trying to make a good first impression. POWERDOSE restores the star-quality to hair, and it lasts for several weeks.”

TIMONdoesVicki's cut

Just remember: arrive 15 minutes early, bring two copies of your resume, and don’t eat garlic the night before your interview!


Photos: Nick Minkler