May 28, 2014

Negotiating Salary – 7 Tips on How to Make a Deal

May 28, 2014

Negotiating Salary – 7 Tips on How to Make a Deal


If the thought of negotiating salary gives you heart palpitations and sweaty palms, then it’s time to relax! This sort of anxiety in the face of salary negotiations is all too common, and the trick is just to prepare and practice.

Learn our  NEGOTIATING TIPS to increase your chances of a positive outcome!

Salary-NegotiationBE HONEST: Before you sit down at the bargaining table, do some soul-searching and be honest with yourself. Think about what you really want. More money? More vacation time? A better title? Knowing what you really want will help you focus your efforts. For example, if a company can’t give you the salary you’re looking for or a raise, ask for some other things such as more vacation or an option to work from home 1-2 days out of a week.  By offering other ideas, you’ll show that you’re flexible and open-minded.

LOOK AT THE OTHER SIDE: Try to anticipate the company’s point of view, so that you can communicate that you care about the company and that the negotiation isn’t just about fulfilling your needs.

AIM HIGH: Always ask for more than you actually hope to get. Give yourself room to negotiate down to your goal.

STRIKE A RELAXED POSE: Your body language speaks volumes. Try not to cross your arms and fidget too much. A confident but comfortable posture, direct eye contact, and a genuine smile eases tensions and lays the foundation for a production discussion.

KNOW YOUR BOTTOM LINE: Know what you’re willing to settle for and decide when it’s time to walk away from the table – before you even walk in the door. This way you’re prepared for the outcome and can make a calm decision.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE: Enlist friends in your efforts and role-play before you have the “big” talk ,so you’re prepared to answer any questions.

LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN: No matter what happens, part on good terms and reserve the right to revisit the issue at another time.

Good luck!

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