August 22, 2024

How Biotechnology is Revolutionizing Beauty

August 22, 2024

How Biotechnology is Revolutionizing Beauty

CEW hosted a virtual webinar featuring industry experts, Edna Coryell of Mother Science, Dominque Gagnon of Debut (Deinde), Donna Petretti of Croda, and Dr. Izabela Staniszewska of Presperse discussing how their companies are leveraging biotechnology. 

Sarah Jindal, Senior Director of Mintel, highlighted a trend among the younger generation which is the demand for ethically sourced products. Biotechnology offers an alternative to natural ingredients by creating synthetic products with high purity levels, enhancing sustainability, reducing animal testing, and providing solutions for common skin concerns. 

At Mother Science, Coryell explained how they synthetically create Malassezin, a natural molecule that targets dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Deinde uses “best of nature” for their products, highlighting Naringenin, a compound found in grapefruit peels to combat inflammaging. Inflammaging is a low-level chronic skin inflammation caused by environmental factors that accelerate aging. Their Naringenin, with over 99% purity, is suitable for sensitive skin and has received the National Eczema Association seal. Croda uses plant cell culture to create Mel[o]stem, fading dark spots and flat white spots by stimulating melanocytes to repair the skin. Furthermore, Dr. Izabela Staniszewska of Presperse explained that hyaluronic acid was originally derived from rooster combs, the fleshy red part on the rooster’s head and neck. Now biotechnology has recreated hyaluronic acid ethically and synthetically.  

These four companies are using AI to revolutionize the beauty industry in innovative ways. Mother Science uses AI to analyze chemical structures for future ingredients, while Deinde for ingredient selection, screening, and genetic testing. Croda enhances their plant cell culture processes for skin repair products. Presperse utilizes AI to source high-quality ingredients.  

Despite all these advancements, one major challenge is the investment required for research and development for time and resources. The process of creating a synthetic product with high purity levels is complex, leading to extended product development time, as any variability could alter their performance and chemical structure. We look forward to seeing how these amazing companies continue to innovate our industry.