July 3, 2014

Hackers retrieve Passwords for LinkedIn Accounts – Change your Passwords ASAP!

July 3, 2014

Hackers retrieve Passwords for LinkedIn Accounts – Change your Passwords ASAP!

According to PC World magazine, over 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords have been hacked sometime this morning.

A file containing 6.5 million unique hashed passwords appeared in an online forum based in Russia. More than 200,000 of these passwords have reportedly been cracked so far. The file only contains passwords hashed using the SHA-1 algorithm and does not include user names or any other data, security researchers say. However, the breach is so serious that security professionals are advising people to change their LinkedIn passwords immediately.

LinkedIn hasn’t made an official confirmation on whether any security breach occurred but they are investigating the issue.

However, we urge you to be cautious and to CHANGE your LinkedIn PASSWORD immediately.

Users who fear that their passwords may have been stolen can change their passwords on the website by clicking on their names in the upper right corner of the website’s homepage, and then clicking on Settings and choosing the “Change” link next to password.

We also recommended changing passwords at other sites where users may have used the same password.