June 14, 2014

Beauty Industry West 2010 Kickoff

June 14, 2014

Beauty Industry West 2010 Kickoff

With what felt like renewed energy, enthusiasm, and participation BIW held its first luncheon of 2010. Over 100 beauty industry professional attended from notable brands including Kate Somerville, Guthy Renker and Arbonne, as well as prominent vendors including The Color Factory, Aware Products, and the sponsor All American Containers.

Mintel flew in Nica Lewis their Beauty Innovation expert from London to give a presentation on trends in Anti-Aging products. She began her presentation remarking on how so many beauty trends actually start here in Los Angeles and Hollywood then are followed by the rest of the world. Apparently Mintel aggregates ingredient and claim data on basically all prestige beauty products (those costing $25+) from around the world then slices and dices the numbers to reveal trends and opportunities in the industry.

Interestingly, Ms. Lewis revealed that 34% of all face and neck products now make anti-aging claims and fully 70% make botanical/herbal claims.

Ms. Lewis also noted that there seems to be an opportunity in anti-aging products specifically targeted for the hands. As I’m typing this blog, I see why. And there are very few hand lotions or moisturizers on the market with sun protection or anti-aging claims. And since this is a huge trend, this creates a huge opportunity for those products early to market.

On a personal note, I got to the luncheon really early, so I sat myself at the front corner table. Other early arrivals included Suzanne and Bob Grayson, who thankfully sat next to me. I knew their names from the industry, but I didn’t know that they do a monthly column for Happi Magazine, and I believe they are credited with founding BIW, which is celebrating 20 years. The Grayson’s graciously gave me some navigational pointers, as this was my first BIW luncheon, and Suzanne sweetly suggested that I wear more color on my lips – I’m in the biz, you know.

As Mazur Group gets more and more involved with the Beauty community here in Southern California, we certainly see the value of being a member of this great organization. I’m looking forward to an active year of participation! Here’s to a great new relationship.