October 19, 2011

CEW 2012 Beauty Awards – West Coast Represent!

October 19, 2011

CEW 2012 Beauty Awards – West Coast Represent!

cew 2011 beauty awards logoWest Coast beauty brands, it’s time to represent!

It’s that time of the year again-the annual “Oscars of the Beauty Biz“, the CEW BEAUTY AWARDS!

The Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) is a non-profit organization of over 4,000 beauty industry executives. Their annual Beauty Awards Luncheon in NYC features the Beauty Insiders’ Choice Awards, a “who’s who of the beauty biz“, which recognizes the most innovative beauty products of the year.

cew_finalists_logo.jpgFinalists & Winners gain serious media exposure (print, online, TV), lifetime bragging rights, and more importantly a pink Beauty Insider’s Choice Awards seal – perfect for in-store & online usage!

 We work with a lot of amazing California-based beauty brands, and it’s unfortunate that so many West-Coast beauty brands are MISSING from these annual CEW Awards. There are so many creative and innovative LA-based beauty brands as witnessed in all of our Beauty Biz Roundtable events,so it’s important to establish a West Coast presence not just in CEW but also at the annual CEW Beauty Awards! So West Coast beauty brands, show your love for your brand and your products and enter. This is our chance to spread some California sunshine & beauty to NYC!

You do NOT need to be a CEW member! There are 3 categories: Best Seller Awards , Indie Beauty Awards and Eco Beauty Awards, so there are plenty of chances to win!

Past winners include companies/brands like  Fresh, Aveeno, Cover Girl, Clinique, Olay, Bumble & Bumble, L’Oreal, and Chanel among others.

Finalists are voted by CEW members, industry professionals & experts in the field of beauty like manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, and the media. Winners are voted by CEW Board members. Voting is strictly confidential and officially tabulated by Ernst & Young.

The product/company entry deadline is on OCTOBER 24th so hurry!

Good luck!

For more details or to submit an entry, click here  to be taken to cew.org