May 8, 2012

Neon Nail Polish – Illegal in the U.S

May 8, 2012

Neon Nail Polish – Illegal in the U.S

Here’s an interesting beauty fact – did you know that it’s illegal to manufacture NEON colored nail polish in the U.S.?

Don’t worry – it has nothing to do with safety issues.

In an interview with  Doug Schoon, Creative Nail Design (CND)’s chief scientific advisor, he explained that neon colourants are not illegal to wear but they have simply never been officially registered with the FDA. Nail polish colourants, explained the nail manufacturing expert, must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration prior to production but no one has ever thought to submit any neon shades.

Registering a product with the FDA requires a lot of time and money, something that a lot of beauty and non-beauty companies, just don’t have the resources for.

Smaller manufacturers have thrown caution to the wind in response to the demand for the brightly coloured palette and have gone ahead with production regardless.

But larger companies like to ‘play by the book’ and are less likely to risk being made an example of should the FDA feel inclined to punish them.

So the next time you see a neon colored nail polish at your local beauty store, chances are it’s manufactured overseas or it’s done without FDA approval.