July 16, 2014

Avoiding Illegal Interview questions

July 16, 2014

Avoiding Illegal Interview questions

Ask this, not that!

To help minimize your company’s exposure to employment practices liability, it’s best to incorporate best practices in your interview process. When interviewing job candidates, it is essential that all questions remain on the right side of the legal line. Unfortunately, the line that separates legal from illegal inquiries is often a fine one.

As a general rule, interview questions should be job-related and not used to find out personal information, such as race, age, national origin, religion, marital or parental status, disability, etc., that could lead to accusations of a discriminatory hiring decision.

Here are some examples:

Mazur Group - Avoiding Illegal Hiring Interview Questions

In recognizing these potentially dangerous questions, not only will you avoid saying the wrong thing during an interview, it will also help you hire the most qualified candidate using legal, documented interview methods.

Just remember to keep to the RIGHT of these questions!

The Best Hiring Questions: What to Ask & Why

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